Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Put A Fence Around The Place

And Throw Away The Key...

I don’t know what we’re going to do with them. The more you vote for them, no matter how much you pay them, most US Senators are spineless, partisan morons. The worst thing is, the Republicans seem to be intentionally competing with the Democrats for the title of "Stupidest Human Being on Capital Hill."

Just look at the latest idiocy recounted in this story:

WASHINGTON, Nov. 14 - In a sign of increasing unease among Congressional Republicans over the war in Iraq, the Senate is to consider on Tuesday a Republican proposal that calls for Iraqi forces to take the lead next year in securing the nation and for the Bush administration to lay out its strategy for ending the war.

The Senate is also scheduled to vote Tuesday on a compromise, announced Monday night, that would allow terror detainees some access to federal courts. The Senate had voted last week to prohibit those being held from challenging their detentions in federal court, despite a Supreme Court ruling to the contrary.

Senator Lindsey Graham, the South Carolina Republican who is the author of the initial plan, said Monday that he had negotiated a compromise that would allow detainees at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, to challenge their designation as enemy combatants in federal courts and also allow automatic appeals of any convictions handed down by the military where detainees receive prison terms of 10 years or more or a death sentence.

The proposal on the Iraq war, from Senator Bill Frist, the majority leader, and Senator John W. Warner, Republican of Virginia, chairman of the Armed Services Committee, would require the administration to provide extensive new quarterly reports to Congress on subjects like progress in bringing in other countries to help stabilize Iraq. The other appeals related to Iraq are nonbinding and express the position of the Senate.

What the heck is the basis of their rush to get out of Iraq? Re-election?

We've only been there less than three years. Aren’t there still US forces remaining in Germany over 60 years after the end of WWII?

Aren’t there Army, Navy, Marine, and Air Force troops still guarding the demilitarized zone in Korea fifty years later?

What’s the big difference here?

And this idea of worrying about terrorists held in Cuba and in other prisons overseas—
GIVE ME A BREAK. I have a suggestion that would completely solve this whole “detainee rights” issue.


That’s right, turn each and every one of them loose, and GIVE THEM ALL SECURITY JOBS.

Fire the CIA and the Secret Service and hire the former “detainees” as guards for the Senate offices and the suburban Maryland homes of the Senators that are so concerned about their non-existent rights under the US Constitution and the Geneva Conventions.

Better yet, build a 20’ tall fence around all of Washington DC. Then lock all of these poor pitiful, wrongly accused, peace-loving, islamofascists inside. Give them each free food, free cable TV, and a health club membership. Build a big new condo complex and make the congressmen supporting this legislation live there with the former “detainees” as roommates.

I think that Senators Graham, Frist, Warner, and the rest of their lilly livered jellyfish spined associates would quickly change their tune if they had to risk running into one of these “insurgents” on the street, rather than hiding behind the free security they enjoy, paid for with my tax dollars .

If they won't live with them, why should we have to???

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