Friday, July 28, 2006

I'm The Slumlord Of Arabia

Houser of the Crackhead Infadels...

Well, I'm happy to report that I found that things were't that bad over in the real world once I managed to drag myself over there yesterday afternoon.

As is usual a few times each year, the side door of my duplex had AGAIN been kicked in and there was evidence of incessant stupidity conducted all the while standing around on a hard tiled concrete floor, but the place really wasn't any worse for the wear.

After a quick trip to Home Depot for a reinforcing plate and a few screws and nuts and bolts, the door was back on it's hinges and locked, a sturdy steel pipe brace was installed between it and the fridge, and the yard was policed of miscellaneous beer bottles and litter.

Sometime in the past few months the house two doors down mostly burned to the ground, and the one next door has been demolished to a pile of sticks and bricks.

I hope that they haul everything off shortly, then I'm going to pursue buying that property to add to my little "slumlord empire." That acquisition would give me six lots, facing each other on opposite sides of the street (three each side) and improve my prospects of actually developing the land with some little starter houses or townhouses at some point.

You can call me a racist or a bigot or whatever you want to, but I have to tell you, I'm really afraid that these silly, useless negros blacks African Americans are just going to continue to sink into the pit of poverty no matter how much government money is thrown at them, and no matter how much effort is spent by rednecks people like me that are interested in improving their lot in life.

They just don't get it...that being cool and hip and "a Player" doesn't equate to employment and otherwise marketable skills. Being a pimp might be cool on MTV, but all it really gets you is 12 months in the local slammer and all of the fans of "Pop Culture" can all just kiss my lilly white ass and go to hell in my considered Redneck opinion.

Yesterday, if one twenty year old black man rode past my repair efforts on a bicycle, twenty five did. The neighborhood is filled with and paralyzed by lethargy and ignorance and the next generation of unemployed thugs is being raised by the idle so called "adults" I found around me. (Actually, the reality is that the children are raising the children, because the women are all working while the men sit on their collective asses.)

I hate it for them AND ME, but there is little one single little white man philanthropist/investor can do as long as a few misguided individuals in the community continue to attack and destroy everything around them that isn't armor plated or bolted down.

Yet, being the hardheaded fool that I am, I keep on keeping on, because I'm...

(By the way...the spelling of Infidel, is intentionally misspelled... so don't be sending me comments and ridicule...)

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