Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Time To Mix The Concrete

I'm Tired Already...

We're scheduled to be at Lowe's when the doors open at 7:00 AM this morning, then pick up the cement mixer at 7:30 and wander over to the job site to get things started on what will be a loooooonnnnggggg day.

Pat's promised to hang around for the first two or three hours while we wait on the truck to deliver the materials, then lend a hand and dial 911 just in case I get my pants leg or ear tangled up in the cement mixer.

I'm actually pretty excited because this week will see the building footprint take it's final modified shape and by next week the external envelope will be finished except for paint and possibly some trim work.

I'm not setting any land speed records here, taking seven months give or take a little to do work that should have been done in less than 90 days...but hey, it's my project and I've had a darn good time doing virtually everything myself--just to prove that I can.

Next time I'll probably hire some help...

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