Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Earmarks Smearmarks

The Status Is Quo...

I'm happy to report sorry to say that I fell asleep about five minutes into the live broadcast of last night's State of the Union Address.

I believe that the meditation and Yoga is working--allowing me to live normally rather than ignoring parts of what would be an otherwise good life wasting time worrying about politics.

I did wake up here early and sneak a read at the transcript of the President's Address, and FOX News is about to replay it so I'll let it drone on the background while I finish up some work getting ready for what is supposed to be a full day of meetings in Knoxville.

The one thing I did hear President Bush mention before I dozed off was his intention to issue an Executive Order instructing government agencies to ignore Budget Earmarks that were not debated and voted on in Congress.

Oh BOY!!!

Actually...Big Deal would be a better response, because the wasted money will still be spent. It will just be done at the discretion of a lower paid bureaucrat rather an elected Politician.

I don't know about you, but I feel better already...NOT.

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