Time Magazine's Rejected Cover Photos...
Everyone born after about 1960 probably doesn't remember President Richard "Tricky Dick" Millhouse Nixon's use of the "V for Victory" hand signal dating from sometime in WWII. Here's a photo:

Interesting thing, but that symbol was later co-opted by the sniveling, un-bathed, booger eating, long haired hippy type pinko fag San Francisco type anti-war protesters who started saying "Peace" while flashing what was the "V for Victory sign."
The Peace sign was partially an upside down "V" last time I noticed, but who worrys about details any more any way?
REgardless, I guess all of us Redneck descendants of Confederate Civil War Veterans shouldn't feel alone when we complain about the skin heads and the KKK stealing
Then I was hanging around my computer in my Photoshop files and I found this image:

I think it was somehow mis-filed, but I'm pretty sure President Nixon was familiar with the proper usage of the gesture and wouldn't mind me publishing it here tonight.
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