Wednesday, October 01, 2008

"Debating" Media Bias

Sinking Further Into My Middle Aged Sarcastic Funk...

I have to admit that I don't put much stock in making my election decisions based on watching the media circuses called "Debates" on TV any more than I "hang my chads" based on the limited content and truth contained in most campaign ads.

Funny thing, but since first voting for Reagan in the 1980 presidential contest I've grown up and stopped deciding who to vote for based on what I am told.

Rather (but not DAN Rather), since 1992 I've voted based on what I read and see and hear in an active process of finding out what is really going on with a candidate and where they're coming from in their past history--and by reading and seeing and hearing I'm most definitely not talking about the Newspaper Headlines and the lamestream national TV news.

What's on my mind this morning is a Drudge Report linked article about the moderator of this Thursday's Vice Presidential debate having a book coming out for publication next January that is called "Pro-Obama."

This after having to listen to PBS's Jim Lehrer bumble through trying to get Obamarama and McCain to talk to each other in last week's debate like they were having a beer in the local tavern together, I just realized that now we're going to be subjected to the obvious liberal political leanings of yet another PBS employee moderating the Biden Palin match up on Thursday.

And not only is Miss Gwen Ifill publishing a book glorifying "modern successful minorities" including Obama, but she also works as a correspondent on Jim Lehrer's Online Newshour on PBS.

What I want to know is, who the heck appointed PBS TV the "official moderator" of these debates? After all, they're not being held in their studios and they're not paying for them.

(You know how I feel about "public television", and how with the commercial success of privately owned media the government should have gotten out of the "public radio" and "public TV" business in about 1975 when 99% of American households had cable TV available and there were privately owned TV transmitters on 100 mile centers.)

Next I went to this website and my head nearly obtained orbital rotational velocity when I learned that Tom Brokaw of NBC's "Meet the Press" fame has the moderator honors for the next Presidential debate in Nashville on October 7 and the creepy old Dan Rather pal over at CBS...Washington Correspondent Bob Schieffer has the last debate October 15th Hofstra University debate.

Anyone but me notice anything funny about the selection of these so called "moderators?"

Could it be that their all "flaming far left leaning liberals?

And might it not be slightly more than an itsy bitsy teensy weensy problem that all four of these assheads media professionals have expressed their politics views and made them a matter of public record?

PBS couldn't last 90 days if they had to give up government tax dollars and live on advertising or subscriber revenue, and if you add up the total viewers of NBC, CBS, and PBS they wouldn't total HALF of the numbers that FOX News generates each evening.

Bill O'Reilly beats all three combined, but even with FOUR election debates, not a single person associated with FOX news was included in a moderator position.

(cue the sound of the crickets chirping...)

I'm telling you people, you're crazy if you don't see the manipulation you're being subjected to, and you're a complete and total idiot if it doesn't make you extremely angry.

Further, if you are under the age of about 35 you just better get yourself prepared to retire and die in a strange new world dominated by socialism induced shortages of things like water and food and electricity if you vote the way these partisan shills want you to vote, because the productive people are either all going to have already died else have given up producing because it just doesn't pay.

(ever read a book called Atlas Shrugged?)

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