Monday, November 17, 2008

Things I'm Recently Responsible For...

(And I Bet You Don't Know Anyone Else What Did All These Things This Week...)

I Was The Only Local Veteran On Veteran's Day - This year found me to be the only Veteran in my workplace...which is pretty strange to a guy that grew up outside an Army base and yet only served in the US Navy Reserve for two years as a volunteer during Carter's so called "Presidency."

I did my time concurrent with my tenure in the Navy ROTC at Georgia Tech, and today I'd gladly jump back on board any boat they'd fill up with gas or diesel and give me the keys to; or climb back into the cockpit of anything with wings they could cram my crumpled up middle aged ass into, but as it is right now I guess I'll just settle for pounding on my keyboard in support of the efforts of men and women who need the work, feel the call to duty, and care about kicking the asses of the sniveling bastards overseas that want to run over the helpless and the hopeless peoples of this planet.

I Made A Roux--My own personal flirtation with Cajun Napalm--which would consist of about a cup of Peanut Oil and a little bit more than a cup of plain old white flour, heated up in a big skillet on my stove and stirred continuously until the mixture is a color somewhere between that of Peanut Butter and Chocolate.

I Put My Roux In My Gumbo--A stock made from a whole chicken, cut up and cooked slow in a giant pot along with chunks of garlic and carrot and celery and onion, then after straining everything but the clear liquid and the edible chunks of meat out...

tossed back into the pot with a couple pounds of Andoilli Sausage, more of the Holly Trinity (Onion, Celery, and Green Bell Pepper), the aforementioned Roux, and simmered slowly with things like salt and Cayenne pepper and finally the coup de gras...

a couple of pounds of Okra

thrown in for good measure.

All of this stuff, along with about ten cups of rice and Pat's dessert efforts, will be showing up at my office about 7 AM this morning to meet up with my fellow injuneer Tony's Cornbread.

Feel free to get yourself a bowl and spoon and come join us about noon...

If you will.

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