Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hide The Decline

Global Warming Humor...If There Is Such A Thing...

For those of you who are too busy to follow the realities of the gigantic International Fraud being foisted on prosperous countries like the United States by the United Nations and our own internal bunch of sniveling, booger eating, tie-died, patchouli stinking, tree hugging, greenie weenie Owl Gore followers...

I offer as a public service the following brief insight garnered from my own efforts expending hundreds of hours reading crap that doesn't make it into the NY Times and the front pages of Yahoo News or your local newspaper.

First of all, you have to understand that about 75% of the popular "pseudo scientific" crap used to support the entire Global Warming Fraud and currently being used by Democratic/Liberal/socialist America Hating members of congress in their efforts to pass Cap and Tax "Cap and Trade" legislation was produced by a guy at Penn State University named Michael Mann...inventor of the infamous "hockey stick graph" purportedly showing a rapid increase in global temperatures cause by man and man made "greenhouse gasses"--namely Carbon Dioxide.

After Dr. Mann published his gerrymandered chart using data he liked and excluding a whole butt load of stuff he didn't like and that didn't support the ideas that were getting his inane research efforts funded with government grants, the whole world wide population of "global warming' fleas and ticks and whores and charlatans jumped on his bandwagon and, supported by the likes of former Vice President Owl "giant carbon footprint" Gore things were cruising along on autopilot for about ten or fifteen years or so...UNTIL...

A bunch of other scientists...REAL scientists--not guys like "The Professor" on "Gilligan's Island", started noticing that the hottest year in modern records wasn't in the 1990's as Mann and his ilk including a couple of idiots at NASA suggested.

The hottest year on record was actually in the late 1930's (I'm too lazy to Google the fact right now and it doesn't really matter in the course of this diatribe.)

Professor Mann conveniently left that little factoid out of his data chart when he was drawing his "hockey stick" Graph.

Fast forward to 2010 and even though with the leaking of the E-mails from the lab in Britain and everything else, Mann (and our Democratic Congress) still has gonads big enough to want to complain when someone challenges his findings and reputation or makes fun in a humorous sense thereof.

To that end, I give you "Hide the Decline"

and "Hide the Decline II" (produced after Mann threatened to sue the producers of the first video for using his "image" without his permission in the parody.)

I'm really tired of talking and writing about the subject of "Global Warming" and it's latest evolution..."Climate Change", but as a good citizen and blogger I have to mention it every now and then just so I can tell you "I told you so" when gas hits $5.00 a gallon and you electric bill runs $600 a month using "Green energy."

I tried...DAMMIT...

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