Thursday, June 24, 2010

Busy = Boring Blogger

You Don't Want To Know What I'm Thinking....

I guess the summer doldrums have officially arrived here at the Turbo Pup Compound.

It's not like I don't have plenty of stuff to do, including some renovation work left over from last fall when the weather got too cool and sweaty to finish things like staining and polyurethaning a couple of new exterior wood doors.

And the never ending front porch renovation/concrete refinish project.

And two weed eaters and the lawn mower and the chicken repair projects.

And on and on and on and I'm just too dang tired to say anything new you haven't already heard about the stupidity going on in Washington DC on our behalf.

I don't even give a crap about World Cup Soccer.

Just call me a Neanderthal I guess.

Whatever...regards y'all...

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