Monday, October 17, 2005

What Were They Thinking?

They weren't...that's the problem.

Did you see what happened in Toledo, Ohio on Saturday?

Based on what I saw I can honestly say that black people in this country have a real problem, and there is nothing that the laws and government can do for them with quotas and racial preferences to solve it. There is nothing that the white population can do for them either, because the problem comes from inside black culture (or the lack of culture.)

The problem I'm addressing is the mentality of more than a small minority of the black population. They can bitch and complain all day about racism and prejudice and "social injustice," but believe me when I say that the TV pictures showing that out of control mob in Toledo is not doing much for the image of inner city blacks in the public relations department.

I'm not talking about ALL black people here, so don't start sending me E-mails talking about me being a bigot or a racist because I'm not saying this about ALL blacks.

All I know is that WHITE people are expected to allow Lewis Farahkan and Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to drag a rag tag crowd of "activists" into the mall in Washington DC or downtown Macon, Georgia and no one is allowed to complain--and in 2005 we don't.

They (the so called "black leaders") can stand around all day publicly talking about how bad white people are and spout conspiracy theories about oppression and blowing up the levees in New Orleans and we're expected to somehow learn our lesson from their rantings. White people don't run out and loot and burn the surrounding neighborhoods down in response to a "Million Mind March" or a "Million Man March" or any other ethnic "March du jour."

Yet if the Toledo Mayor lets a bunch of stupid assed skin headed Neo-Nazis wander out to a BLACK neighborhood and try to walk down the street looking like the idiots that they are on TV, the blacks respond by injuring 12 police officers, burning a bar, and looting surrounding businesses.

They were throwing bricks at ambulances, for Gods sake.

The ambulance drivers were there to help, right?

And most damning thing is the fact that they CANCELLED THE MARCH before the rioting started. They claim that they rioted because the Toledo Mayor was going to allow the march in the first place.

Is that a screwed up complaint or what?

And what responsibility did the business and home owners have in the melee that would cause the blacks to believe that they deserved to have their homes and businesses destroyed?

Can you say NONE?

I'm telling you there is a double standard here that is unfair to the black community, and as long as it exists blacks are going to continue to be their own worst enemies--not white racists.

If several hundred whites had gone out and rioted and busted Jesse Jackson and his fellow "black leaders" in the head with bricks and trashed the surrounding neighborhood there would be a federal investigation and the "hate crime" task force would be out in force and CNN would be broadcasting live from the scene 24 hours a day for the next month.

Instead, since it was "black folks" that were "misbehaving," all we get is a few short news stories and headlines saying that "Neighbors believe that the Neo-Nazis had no RIGHT to march."

The story dissappears almost overnight. Just watch...

And the "black leaders"--where are they in the end of this story? Are they out there chastising the behavior and attempting to remedy the mentality that allows these kinds of events to occur?

No, the "black leaders" are too busy blameing the "authorities" and apologizing for these black animals that believe that they can hide in a crowd and wholesale break the laws and violate the standards of behavior in a civil society.

"It's not their fault--they are oppressed and they have been discriminated against and we have to tolerate their behavior..."


I say "sorry", but I also say a hearty "tough shit" to the "neighbors" that are saying the the Neo-Nazis don't have the RIGHT to march and that are blaming the events on the marchers.

I say that if I have to listen to the lunatic ramblings of anti-white black leaders like Lewis Farahkan three times a day; they have to put up with idiots like the Neo-Nazis yelling their hate filled stupidity on the streets of their neighborhoods. The Neo-Nazis no more represent the thinking of all white people (and certainly not my thinking) than Farahkan's verbal bullshit represents all black people.

Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on your politics,) after all is said and done, we do live in the United States of America, and the last time I checked it was still a free country.

All of the Blacks, Negros, and African Americans "activists" need to just suck it up and get over themselves like the rest of us do...

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