Thursday, February 23, 2006

Eighty Dollars Later

Can I Get Some Sleep Sometime?

My lovely friend Tracy over at the frame shop spent some time with me this afternoon and while we were hanging out there we laid out and cut the giant piece of mat for my church drawings. She and her husband Tony have a CAD computer program and a "robotic Mat-cutter" that reduces the work to minutes rather than hours.

Here is an impromptu photo of the project layout:

I will actually draft the Wesleyan Cross laying there in the middle at a size 33% to 50% larger, not on a piece of paper, but rather it will be inked directly onto the middle of the artwork mat, surrounded by the four church drawings in the window cutouts.

As matter of further explaination, I'm cheating this morning by using only one final drawing in this layout because I still have work to do on the others and they are still taped down to the drawing board.

This has been an interesting evolution in my artistic endeavors, but my presentation style is getting good reviews from people that should know better than to encourage an ego-maniac like myself.

I'm doing my own thing, and the public, and more importantly, my artistic peers, seem to like it.

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