Thursday, February 23, 2006

We’re Being “Vetted”

But Not Cor-vetted (varrrooomm…varrrrooommm…)

Did I ever tell you about my adventures on my second boat?

You know, my old 1987 32’ Sea Ray Express Cruiser aptly named “Miss Behaving”?

I can’t believe that I forgot to mention it because it was almost as much fun as my adventures with my second wife. Well…actually…I have to admit that the second wife ended up being more of a pain in my ass.

Any hooooo…the boat had two bedrooms ("berths" in boating lingo), one bathroom (a "head" in boating lingo), twin Chevy 350 cubic inch V-8 engines (money pits, in boating lingo), and I fell madly in love with her in Hollywood, Florida one day back in March 2002.

After the marriage I managed to drive her though the Florida Keys (you know how some women like to be driven) on my way to Mexico Beach, Florida, where I was forced to park her in a marina to have some emergency engine work done by one of the infamous, indigenous “boat guys.”

(For those of you that don’t know, most of the so-called “professional” “boat guys” are only slightly higher on the evolutionary scale than Jellyfish and Garbage men.)

I only knew her for a few months, before my highly paid stupid f**king crooked asshole unscrupulous mechanic managed to steal her and sink her or otherwise lead her to some other terrible fate.

Twenty two thousand dollars cash money right down the drain (or into Davy Jones Locker…as the case may be…)

Did I mention that since I paid cash for my lovely lady, that I decided to not buy insurance—at least until the restoration work was done?


I didn’t have insurance.

Sorry…I was stupid in retrospect…so what is your point???

Can you say Pee-H-Dee in B-O-A-T-I-N-G? (that would be PHD for my dyslexic readers.)

I’ve got one now.

So what do YOU think about the current brouhaha over “Port Security?”

Let me give you a hint…

What does the letters B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T add up to spell.

You got it???

When I get throughwith my drawing and doing some other writing tonight, I’ll tell you why I think so.

If you're smart, you'll get an extra roll of toilet paper out...

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