Thursday, August 27, 2009

Getting Hammered

With An Air Compressor...

Well, I have to go out and meet my new construction crew at 8 AM this morning.

I hope it's not a freak show but you never know in the construction business and some people might consider me a freak when they see me at first but any way...

I just hope the two guys are on time and reasonably capable but the owner hired them and all I have to do is get the lumber nailed together and in place reasonably square/plumb and I can almost do that by myself if it wasn't for the 10' ceiling height.

I have a few thousand dollars of tools loaded up in the Chrysler (the Suburban's not really road ready right now due to inactivity and neglect and besides the mileage sucks) and a big stack of wall panel drawings and we're gonna see if we can frame out this basement in TWO days instead of THREE.

Assuming the personalities aren't a problem I really love doing stuff like this..sort of like playing with a giant set of Tinker Toys and getting paid a modest sum for my efforts.

Doing the math this is somewhere around my tenth major residential construction effort including some stuff I've done for myself and friends and family and of course the Habitat for Humanity houses I built down in Georgia back in the late 1990's.

It's so much easier pushing nails into wood using pneumatics and based on my creaking, ever ageing knees and back I hope to come through the process only slightly worse for the wear.

Time now to do a little reading, smoke a cigar, and catch a couple hours nap before heading out.

Y'all have a lovely day and try to have at least half as much fun as I'm gonna have now...if you will...

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