I’m sitting here trying to figure out if it would be easier to get on an airplane and go personally strangle FOX News’ Greta Van Sustren, or just change the channel….
OK, I changed the channel rather than risk being indicted for a felony Murder.
Dammit Gretta…give it a rest already…that woman wears me out with the Lacy Peterson and Natalee Holloway epic sagas.
Any way, about three hours from now we’ll be climbing into a car and droning cross country from the Georgia coast to spend a long weekend visiting my lovely Mother in lower Alabama.
Almost six hours looking at billboards and pine trees.
I hope our little nest of Wren’s will be OK while we’re gone. Their mom seems to be doing a good job of keeping them fed and the tourists and raccoons have left them alone so far, so I’ll just have to say a prayer and hope they’re safe until we return Monday afternoon.
By the way, let me mention that I'm really excited about my latest art project.
I had a great meeting with a bunch of our city officials yesterday afternoon, talking about my “K-Street Tree” art project. We had a conference call with our proposed “chainsaw artist,” Joe King from Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and I had the opportunity to present my final plans to Bryan Thompson, the Brunswick Mayor, Roosevelt Harris the city administrator, and my friend Heather that handles the one of the local arts associations.
The city finally got around to moving it last month, and it turns out that my giant tree carcass weighs nearly 100,000 pounds (I had guestimated at least 50,000 doing a "back of an envelope" calculation).
I had to laugh out loud when I heard that my giant Live Oak tree trunk not only took TWO cranes to pick it up, but it broke the trailer they used to haul it to the temporary storage area and fell off in the middle of the road in the process.
Here’s another look at it for those that missed my February posting when I first took charge of this big stick of firewood:

We're talking a cost of nearly $50,000 when it is all said and done, including the foundation, artist's commission, and landscaping.
I sure hope that I haven't bitten off more than I can chew...
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