One of our greatest pleasures, and to me actually quite a bit of a surprise since moving here to our little island, has been our collection of birds that we’ve adopted.
Maybe I should say that they’ve adopted us.
OK, maybe I should admit that we’ve actually bribed our birds to hang out on our back patio by conveniently placing various forms of BIRD FOOD within easy reach of their little beaks and footsies.
Any way…you want to see birds…we’ve got birds for you to see.
First we have the teeny tiny little Ruby Throated Hummers, which consume at LEAST a cup of water/sugar mixture from our feeder each week.
Then there are the Cardinals, Chickadees, Thrashers, Doves, the occasional Blue Jay and even Red Headed Woodpecker (and God knows who or what else) that show up at our two feeders full of Safflower Seeds each day to provide for our additional entertainment.
Today I came home from an early swimming pool expedition and found Pat in a state of excitement as she pointed out this Hawk sitting within twenty feet of my dining room table.

I missed the best photo opportunities while running to get my camera set up. There was actually a Squirrel in the tree adjacent to this three pound bird staring him/her down and generally raising heck over its presence.
I think that this bird has visited our patio before. At first I though that it was a Red Tailed Hawk, but upon closer examination, at this point I don’t have a clue.
Maybe a Falcon?
All I know is that it was hanging out around our bird feeders looking not for the bird seed and sugar water, but for the birds that our feeders have attracted.
Our regular birds WERE NOT HAPPY.
Fortunately, this big old bully left the scene and everything returned to normal within a few hours.
I was ready to go out and risk getting the Animal Police after me if Winkin', Blinkin', and Nod had been threatened.
By the way...their doing just fine...more baby bird pictures to follow.
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