Monday, August 21, 2006

It Would Seem That Sir Winston Is Writing About ME?

If The Shoe fits...

It was a pity that one, thus gloriously free from the ordinary restraining influences of human society, should have found in his own character so little mental ballast.

His moods were capricious and uncertain, his passions violent, his impulses sudden and inconsistent.

The mortal enemy of the morning had become a trusted ally before the night.

The friend he loved to-day he loathed to-morrow.

Scheme after scheme formed in his fertile brain, and jostled confusingly together.

All in succession were pressed with enthusiasm. All at times were rejected with disdain. A temperament naturally neurotic had been aggravated by an acquired habit of smoking; and the General carried this to so great an extreme that he was rarely seen without a cigarette.

His virtues are famous among men; his daring and resource might turn the tide or war; his energy would have animated a whole people; his achievements are upon record; but it must also be set down that few more uncertain and impracticable forces than Gordon have ever been introduced into administration and diplomacy.

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