Friday, September 11, 2009

Tearing Down My House

No Pain No Gain...

I'm pleased to report that I managed to chisel my way through the top layers of the kitchen floor yesterday...finding two layers of old linoleum and a sheet of 3/4" plywood standing between me and my new kitchen floor.

I picked a spot under the Refrigerator to do my excavations just in case I changed my mind and decided to live with the old floor.

Then I worked my way out toward the middle of the room and this morning I'm past the point of no return as I've ripped a big seam across the middle of the floor with the skill saw set about 7/8" deep and by noon I hope to have everything ripped up and laying in a pile outside beside the trash can.

Now we have to run to Home Depot and see if I can get five sheets of 3/8" plywood added to the order which is supposed to go on a truck later this morning for delivery.

Everybody feel free to bring your tools and stop by about 10 if you want to help make some sawdust...


Ed Bonderenka said...

Geez, Virg. If you'd only let me know sooner....

bathmate said...

I liked it.