Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Two Days In Internet Darkness...

My Words Overfloweth...

Those of you that occasionally lurk around my little slice of cyberspace this part of the Internet probably noticed my rare silence on Sunday and Monday.


I admit that I sometimes miss writing and have an occasional single day gap once in a while in my never ending diatribes and commentary, but generally that's because what I would have to say would be like acid dripping onto my keyboard and pouring through your DSL or Cable modem onto your computer screen--thus I think it best that I just keep myself to myself on those rare occasions.

Then there's the couple of periods of time over the past three years when I was sitting around in a hospital for WEEKS at a time with tubes sticking out of every bodily orifice...and with the doctors and nurses running out of places to stick tubes and making their own holes in my body (I once had FIVE IV's at the same time.)

Fortunately this week's absence was an exception to those two rules...we were all simply the victims of circumstances where I ended up in a Condo that was supposed to have Internet but the WEP password was unavailable and I decided that Cell Phone blogging was inadequate.

Just like people going through some kind of self imposed 12-step program, I decided to try to live all day in the "real" world for a couple of days and let the Internet take care of itself for a change.

After my hands stopped shaking, I found the experience to be rather enlightening.

When I got back home I learned that politicians democratic constituency stupid people were still acting stupid and the libertarians smart people that are the producers and achievers of the world were still being assaulted for being successful and paying their own way in life, and as a result I have a HUGE backlog of things to say about things which have happened over the past week.

I'm doing my best to stay focused here and get some work done, but please excuse me if I erupt into conniption fit like shrieking at any moment...

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