Sunday, September 27, 2009

Today's Tip for Old "Middle Aged" Homeowners

Quality...Not Tonnage Quantity

As many of y0u already know if you've ever owned your own house, for years now the lovely Men and Women working over at the company called Sakrete have saved the average homeowner the agony of having to wait until they need forty million pounds more than a couple yards of concrete delivered to pour a slab for an AC unit or a pool filter pump or a footing for steps or whatever else said homeowner can dream up to want to make out of "concrete."

They make bags of things like Portland cement and mortar mix and fast set concrete and in my recent endeavor...pouring my own 16"x16"x2-1/2" thick concrete mini concrete slabs...HIGH STRENGTH 5000 PSI FAST SETTING CEMENT.

Be advised, however, that they make most of their products in 40 pound, 60, pound, and 80 pound bags.

The bigger the bag, the cheaper the product on a weight or volume basis, BUT...

I can personally testify, holding my shriveled concrete encrusted hand on a stack of bibles, that saving $3.95 on a $31 purchase isn't worth the pain and agony and potential visit to the emergency room to have your intestines and testicles re-inserted and sutured back into their correct positions in your abominable abdominal cavity.

If you're over the age of 45 40 35 30, please do yourself a favor and buy the forty or sixty pound packages--the label means WEIGHT...not the age you can live to and still pick things up and sling them around while adding water and stirring... and leave the 80 pound bags to the younger guys that still have biceps and abs.

I have to go now and see if I can find my truss...

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