Wednesday, May 05, 2010

"Kierán Suckling" Says...

Only Liberals Hang Names Like That On Their Children...

According to this story, some idiot named Kierán Suckling tells us:

the federal waiver [from and regarding detailed environmental impact studies] "put BP entirely in control" of the way it conducted its drilling.

No one knows to this day exactly what happened in the Gulf of Mexico, except that eleven souls were lost and a state of the art oil drilling platform worth a zillion dollars collapsed into the water.

Everyone expects all of us Injuneers to be perfect now?

A car accident is when your suspension breaks and your wheel flys off and you crash into the ditch.

An accident isn't when you're an idiot who runs red lights and stop signs and speeds everywhere and doesn't yield at "yield signs" and you end up hitting something.

But unfortunately the lamestream media's primary line...and the eco-nerds that the "accident" was preventable, just like some teenager running a stop sign.

Following me here?

Just guessing...

and believe me I know that I'm going out a limb here being a slightly buzzed self proclaimed Redneck this afternoon...

but I bet you dollars to doughnuts a hunnert a hundred dollars a dinner at Sonic Drive-In that this guy/gal with the name "Kierán Suckling" has never had to hold down a real job and actually earn a living that didn't involve a university masters/doctoral research position or government grants from taxpayer dollars in his entire life.

I bet his/her/gay/lesbian/transgendered little piss shitting snit throwing environmental, tye died, booger eating patchouli stinking, kumbaya singing tree huggin self drives a Prius and proudly wears Birkenstocks and Che Guevera Tee shirts.

People like this are either STUPID, IGNORANT i.e. uneducated and just don't know any better, or more likely brilliant LIARS.

I say we repeal a few laws, stop protecting brain dead liberal weenie wimps full of opinions and good intentions, and go back for just three months to a period of time like the 1870's and let a few people with gun carry permits and some decent biceps go out and do what needs to be done.

Is it just me?

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