Thursday, May 06, 2010

Time To Get Down To Business

Reaping The Fruits Of Procrastination...

Oh...I don't know...where do I start writing this morning?

Let me open by saying that I think that life's pretty dang good these days here at the Turbo Pup Compound on the Banks of the Mighty Tennessee River.

Twenty years ago I'd be spazzing out finding things to worry about which today I understand don't really matter in the "big picture", so as it is I'm innately able to focus on the QUALITY rather than the QUANTITY of my daily and weekly life experiences.

Call me stupid or un-reliable or just someone that possess a "devil may care" attitude... whatever... but given my current mental attitude, physical condition, and financial where-with-all I think things are pretty well balanced all in all.

Between now and leaving town Saturday morning heading down to the Farm in Alabama for a weeks long Mother's Day visit I only have to finish packing and build four more pneumatic valves and get them shipped out on Friday after the parts arrive today.

A pretty darned easy schedule I say.

And then with the glorious weather in the mid 80's and clear blue sky each day this week there's probably another cigar and an afternoon spent wallowing in the sun working on darkening the white areas on my giant walrus sized body.

I'm actually practicing moving around laying on my stomach and flopping forward and sideways around the pool deck like scenes you see in the Arctic on National Pornographic Geographic.

I could probably substitute a couple of cigars for tusks in my mouth and the illusion would be complete...with the video soundtrack supplied by another giant Walrus...Rush Lindbaugh...doing his radio show in the background.

OK, I have to go lay down now and take a nap because, re-reading what I just wrote here, I realize I'm getting a little tired and loopie.

Talk to y'all later...

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