Saturday, June 24, 2006

The Apple Dumpling Gang Jihadis

The Stupid “Brothers” In Miami Should Stick To Rapping

As my regular readers know, I’m a HUGE music fan.

If there is an instrument out there, even ones I’ve never heard of, and you can play it well, I’ll sit down and listen for a while.

The only singular exception to my broad musical taste is “Rap” music.

“Rap” music isn’t actually music, it is just noise—featuring generally profane and often unintelligible lyrics—uttered by a collection of no-talent punks and thugs, generally marketed by corporations with a vested interest in the retardation of a substantial portion of our society.

I am, thankfully, not in that segment.

It looks like these guys are, however.

MIAMI, Florida (CNN) -- Seven men concocted a plot to "kill all the devils we can," starting by blowing up Chicago's Sears Tower, according to charges in a federal indictment revealed Friday.

But the federal grand jury indictment also painted a picture of a group that had no weapons or other supplies for an alleged "jihad" that was intended to be "as good or greater than 9/11."

Narseal Batiste, considered the recruiter of the group, according to the document, tried to reach out to al Qaeda by contacting someone who was an FBI operative posing as a member of the terrorist network

No weapons or supplies?

No money?

Maybe they plan on injuring us by hurting our ears. The media is reluctant to point out that these guys are not just "Muslims"...but they were "black Muslims."

Not only should they just stick to "Rapping", but someone should call Don Knotts & Tim Conway to plan an organizational meeting...

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