Friday, June 23, 2006

More Public Stupidity

I Rest My Case…Your Honor…

OK, maybe it’s just me being dense or stupid, but I have to ask you a few questions this morning.

How good of a financial deal are you looking for to let someone put a filthy set of pliers on a dental “appliance” that you are going to spend the next few years putting into or “wearing” in your mouth?

And once you decide to let someone draw on your body with needles filled with colored ink, what is there not to understand about worrying about sterilization and general cleanliness when sitting or lying there with your private parts exposed through the process.

I mean, after all, you are PRESENT when the dental “appliances” are being manufactured and installed and/or the body art “tattooing” is taking place, aren’t you?

I, personally, would slap the smile off of the face of any fool that approached my mouth or skin with something that wasn’t soaked in 50 gallons of alcohol and heated to at least 212 degrees while I was watching the process.

Well, OK, at least I would expect to see it packaged in plastic or steel and have some reasonable expectation of cleanliness while undertaking the “body modification” process.

That said, I have to wonder what these people were thinking:

Palm Springs, Florida --Detectives had been watching the Blue Diamond Jewelry shop for a month after getting reports that its workers were fitting customers with gold teeth caps using filthy equipment.

Some clients had no problems with their shiny new "grills." Others were not so fortunate and suffered severe infections.

Police said the amateur, unlicensed dentists cast the grills using filthy tools stored in a cluttered back room amid trash and debris and even adjusted customers' teeth plates with dirty pliers before reinserting them, unwashed, into clients' mouths.

And then there are these silly bitches and stupid bastards buying tattoos:

Atlanta--A worrisome superbug seen in prisoners and athletes is also showing up in people who get illegal tattoos, federal health officials said Thursday.

Forty-four tattoo customers in Ohio, Kentucky and Vermont developed skin infections caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The infections occurred in 2004 and 2005, and were traced to 13 unlicensed tattoo artists, according to an article in the CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.

So I suppose that now the government is going to step in, pass a few new laws, and implement or increase fines for practicing dentistry or tattoos without a license.

Funny thing, but I don’t need a law to keep an unqualified, unsanitary idiot out of my mouth or away from my body. I may be getting a bit feeble in my old age, but I am certainly still capable of opening up an industrial sized can of “whoop-ass” and applying it liberally to anyone that threatens my health, and the only the thing I expect the Government might do is the DNA sampling necessary to identify the remains and notify the next of kin.

I getting to be a mean old bastard...aren't I????

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