Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I Say We Punch The Slanty Eyed Bastards Square In The Nose

Yet More Political Incorrectness

These days I think that the US should feel a bit like Mohammed Ali would if he were forced to fight with his hands tied behind his back.

Yes, in his day, Cassius Clay could run his mouth, and yes...Cassius Clay could probably beat you to death with his forehead with his hands tied behind his back...BUT...

I am totally embarrassed by the US position on the world stage as we sit around on our hands worrying about what the UN, the French, and our domestic piecenicks Democrats think about our nation as we watch the stupid little crazy bastards that currently run Iran and North Korea develop nuclear bombs and fuel intercontinental missiles.

Of course I chose Cassius "Mohammed Ali" Clay instead of Mike Tyson as my example because I want to illustrate where things started going wrong here in the good old USA in the first place.

Remember that Cassius Clay was one of the original 20th century “America Haters”?

Remember Cassius Clay’s disrespect for America in the 1968 Olympic Games?

Cassius Clay is, as I said, an “original America Hater”—one of the people that enjoys living in the shadow of the security and freedom provided by America’s values and virtues, while at the same time using that expensive freedom to attack the people and processes by which his beloved liberties were attained.

When will the public learn?

When will the hippies and peacenicks Democrats figure out that it’s not about right and wrong, left and right, liberal and conservative.

What we’re facing is EVIL.

Poisonous, horrible, terrible men that don’t respect women’s rights, children’s rights, and rights of other humans in general to live and prosper and execute their lives in a manner ordained by God.

Oops...I forgot that it's supposed to be the GOVERNMENT, not GOD, that is responsible for the success of our population.

Excuse me, Please...

All I have to say is, I guess that it's a good thing that I'm relegated to sitting around our little island playing the part of professional beach bum, because if I were president or secretary of state...

Iran would be a sheet of nuclear bomb induced glass.

And North Korea?

Let's just say that South Korea would be an island and what was north Korea would be a giant pot of Korean Cold Slaw filled with Cruise Missile casings.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You wrote this:

"Oops...I forgot that it's supposed to be the GOVERNMENT, not GOD, that is responsible for the success of our population."

Read a bit of your blog and I am curious as to your opinion on how America's sense of responsibility has changed. I hold that we have lost much of our sense of personal responsibility for our government and that the very vocabulary we use to discuss our government reinforces that lack of responsibility. What would you say that and to the following?

“We the People” has almost complete lost any meaning beyond rhetoric. People I speak with nearly always refer to “the government did this” or “the government that”. Not WE did this or WE did that. “We the People” carries implicit responsibility. As a group, have we always felt powerless or is this a recent development? Have we always been powerless and simply know it now? I am repeatedly struck by a sense of paralysis that cuts across party and philisophical lines. Americans do not believe that our government is capable of executing/creating a plan with honesty, efficiency and fiscal responsiblility. Truth or convenient excuse? Is our machine of governence so choked with its own preservation that it can't get anything of true substance accomplished without a national/global tragedy first?

I think it is interesting that we changed our country's motto from "e pluribus unum" (one from many) to "In God We Trust". One motto is about diverse peoples building a common people though strength of will, morals and purpose. The other is about doing what you are doing, guided by morals, and hanging tough until someone shows to lift your fat from the fire. Do changes like this effect the sense of national responsibility by altering the perception of who bears the ultimate responsibility? How much easier is it to handle if we dump the blame on God? How easy it is to be the victim. Are entire paradigms of thought/thinking built on small changes like this?

This seems like a decent jumping off point, answer if you will.
