Saturday, June 24, 2006


The Media's At It Again...

The NY Times Eric Lichtblau and James Risen, along with their editor, should be in jail:

WASHINGTON, June 22 — Under a secret Bush administration program initiated weeks after the Sept. 11 attacks, counterterrorism officials have gained access to financial records from a vast international database and examined banking transactions involving thousands of Americans and others in the United States, according to government and industry officials.

Funny thing, but not only is this an old recycled story from 2002, but there is nothing illegal about what the government is doing, and the Times knows it.

The Times is simply continuing the drum beat of anti-American and anti-Bush rhetoric that has become their journalistic mainstay.

By the way, while I was at it, I'd put the "leakers" responsible for this story under the jail with "Bubba," but I'm just a professional beach bum, and not in charge.

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