Saturday, June 24, 2006

Puting Politics Ahead Of Business

The Proof Is In The Pudding...

I know that some of you are tired of me endlessly blasting the NY Times and it's moronic imbecils highly educated journalists, but this morning my blog idols over at Powerline pointed out the powerful influence that printing biased, unmitigated, useless CRAP can have on your financial bottom line when you're supposed to be in the business of printing actual NEWS.

I pulled up my own version of the NY stock exchange chart--a seven year version that begins with the NY Times stock at about $50 a share just before President Bush took office, and ends this month, and hundreds of employee layoffs later, with the value reduced to about $24.

Now picture me, tilting back my ever greying, ever balding head, and laughing hysterically...


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