Wednesday, April 27, 2005

FOX's Greta Van Susteren Makes Me Crazy

(but not in a good way…)

I watch FOX News a lot. I use FOX News like a screen saver for our TV’s. A good deal of the time the TV broadcast is just background noise. I just let it drone along and my ears perk up every now and then when something catches my interest.

Having said all that, I’ll also say that I am totally bored with practically everything that Greta Van Susteren has to say.

Martha Stewart…BORING

Michael Jackson Trial…BORING PERVERT

Missing/murdered pregnant housewife du jour…TRAGIC BUT BORING

Missing/murdered child from the Tampa, Florida area du jour…DITTO

Even if you have nothing else to do with your life, why watch this kind of television?

If you are extremely busy with your family, job, church, and hobbies and only watch TV for relaxation and entertainment—can you justify Greta’s show as entertainment?

I can’t…

As I have said before, if you want to worry about something, worry about something that has some meaning. Worry about an issue that you can take action on and actually do something about.

For instance, to listen to Greta, you could be lead to believe that the number one threat to children is child molesters.


Only a few children are abducted by strangers and killed each year. How many kids are killed by their parent’s failure to adequately restrain them in car safety seats? Where’s the public outcry over this form of child abuse?

Another popular myth promoted by Greta and the balance of the main stream media is that firearms are killing how many kids each year? Thousands?


According to the Centers for Disease Control Website (the CDC is admittedly not a fan of guns), the total number of overall deaths relating to firearms has actually declined from 14.3 per 100,000 persons to 10.4 per 100,000 persons since 1970.

The number of handgun related deaths in children is also declining. In kids under the age of five it is down from 1.0 per 100,000 in 1970 to 0.7 per 100,000 in 2002. Likewise, the deaths in children under the age of 15 is down from 2.7 per 100,000 to 1.2 per 100,000.

I bet you thought that guns were killing more and more kids each year, right?

I was actually surprised at these numbers since Greta doesn’t broadcast these statistics and the CDC hides them in obscure spreadsheets on their website.

Live and learn...I’ve got to go now and find something else that matters to worry about…

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