Saturday, April 30, 2005

The Media Hysteria Was Wrong--Again

At about 3:05 AM FOX News reported that Jennifer Wilbanks has been found alive in New Mexico. Thank goodness.

I feel sorry for the poor guy that almost everyone has suspected--John Mason, her fiancee.

Of course you can thank California's Scott Peterson and Mark Hacking in Colorado for this media and public mindset.

I don't blame John for wanting to control the circumstances surrounding his lie detector testing. Without impunging every member of law enforcment, I can tell you from personal experience that you want to avoid at all costs coming into their (the police's) sphere of influence if you can. They have a vested interest, once they get involved, in pinning the blame on someone and often times it seems that they don't care who it is as long as they can move on to the next case.

As I have written earlier, while the police have diligently prosecuted me in the past for traffic related offenses, not once in the past 25 years have they done one damn thing about robbers beating me in the head, stealing property from my autos, or breaking into my real estate.

All I know is that you don't want to become another crime statistic--that of false arrest and/or prosecution by the authorities, not to mention being tried and convicted in the media and the court of public opinion.

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