Sunday, October 02, 2005

Chinese Food, Anyone?

I’ve consumed some interesting things in my day.

I’ll eat almost any kind of seafood, including Sushi (except sea urchin.)

I’ve had Alligator, Bison, Emu, Ostrich, Bear, Turtle, I’ve killed and eaten Squirrel, and while my Navy ship was in the Philippines I once ate some Monkey meat sold by a vendor on the street of Cebu City.

Somehow I survived the Monkey meat adventure.

One thing that I’ve NEVER tried to eat was tiger meat, especially when the ”tiger meat” was actually donkey meat seasoned with TIGER URINE.

“HARBIN: Want to become strong and potent like a tiger? Then why not try our special tiger meat dish? This was the question posed to customers at a restaurant in Hailin, Northeast China's Heilongjiang Province.

The establishment was later fined and ordered to close for inspection, after a local newspaper revealed its recommendation of the outlawed dish.

The restaurant, which is called "Hufulou", is situated about a kilometre away from the Hengdaohezi Siberian Tiger Park, China's largest Siberian tiger breeding centre.

The restaurant was offering a dish of stir-fried tiger meat with hot peppers for 800 yuan (US$98), according to reports…

When asked how the restaurant obtained the tiger meat, a waiter replied that the owner of the restaurant had good connections within the tiger park and could get the meat of dead tigers.

The tiger-meat story published in a local newspaper has created shock waves.

Police subsequently raided the restaurant and confiscated the so-called tiger meat.

After inspection, the owner, Ma Shikun, confessed that the so-called tiger meat was actually donkey meat that had been dressed with tiger urine, to give the dish a "special" flavour.

Local authorities ordered the restaurant to close for inspection and confiscated its illegal profits, 800 yuan the price of a plate of 'tiger' meat and added another 2,400 yuan (US$296) by way of a fine.

All I can say is…


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