Saturday, October 08, 2005

If You Want To Start Worrying…Don’t—It’s Too Late

"And If It’s True—I'm Afraid That We’re All Screwed"

I just sit here on St. Simons Island and shrug smugly.

Or maybe I smugly shrug?

What I mean is, it’s hard for me to not snicker at the media and the wide eyed (usually liberal) hysterics that are displayed on TV and in newspapers talking about the “domestic security” of our large cities.

Take the latest series of scares in NYC and Washington DC, for instance.

Suspiscious packages….scary coke cans…OOOOHHHHHHAAAA….aaaa AAAAA...AHHHHHH

Somebody hand me a towel and a breath mint.

I have to be politically incorrect and ask "the authorities" about the “normal” everyday imbeciles and freaks that everyone has always been forced to deal with when they ride “public transportation” in the days before the elevated terror alerts?

Don't get me wrong here--I agree with the caution employed in closing down and investigating the latest terror threats, but there is a bigger picture here that is lost on most people.


You got that?

I rode the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) Buses and Trains on and off for 25 years and there wasn’t one single day that I didn’t face some itinerant moron that was panhandling or preaching or smelled bad or was otherwise WEIRD or STRANGE based on upstanding “normal” standards. If you wanted to ride "public transit", you just had to pay your twenty five cents or dollar and twenty five cents fare and put up with their presence.

Even today, like then, I guarantee that I could walk onto any bus or train with a pant load of chemicals and possibly kill and maim zillions and close down the entire infrastructure of Atlanta, Georgia and there is nothing that they could do then or now to stop it unless I lost my mind in a drug induced stupor and botched the exercise.

Serious, trained terrorists can extract serious, deadly consequences and there is LITTLE or NOTHING that we can do once they are indoctrinated, motivated, and they are allowed to cross our borders into our country.

So much for viability of the latest “TERROR ALERTS.”

I challenge our population, our state and national representatives, and our President to regain control of our national borders and to remove any persons already in our country illegally.

That is the only true solution to the perceived “terror threats.’

In the absence of the successful completion of that effort, I’ll promise to do my part.

You can expect me to be highly likely to make every effort to KICK YOUR ASS if you start misbehaving in public (particularly on any mode of mass transit) and you might actually get SHOT and KILLED if I DECIDE that you are presenting a tangible threat to the safety of MYSELF and/or my FAMILY, FRIENDS, and PROPERTY.

By the way, I’m not in the least bit sorry for feeling this way…

How about you?

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