Saturday, October 08, 2005

I'm So Proud

Well...not really...

We keep trying to act like life goes on here on the Georgia Coast, in spite of the fact that the rain keeps falling and because certain sane individuals realize that since we live on the coast in a FLOOD PLAIN there is the distinct possibility that once in a while the weather might cause a few problems.

Today was one of those days....

We had a couple of more inches of rain, and water is standing on every hard surface like lawns, roads, and parking lots.

I just saw the Weather Channel do a special "Storm Story" on neighboring Brunswick, Georgia and their decision today to close Glynn Academy, Brunswick High, and all of the middle schools at 11:30 AM because of our continuing rainfall.

Of course the first thing I asked myself was "what about all of the little munchkins in the Elementary Schools?"

I guess that they had to swim home else the parents were taking off from work and scrambling to find a rented boat at 2:45 PM, or maybe New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagan sent his own new amphibious Bus Fleet to the rescue.

I'm really happy that I only have to worry about my own oversized, middle aged, pompus carcass when things don't go as planned.

Instead of listening to their warnings, we went out and had some drinks, enjoyed a nice dinner with some neighbors, stopped by the liquor store, and arrived safely at home.

All of this was accomplished in spite of the media hype.

I've got to go outside now and talk to my good friend "Mr. Frog"...see you later...

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