OK folks, try to picture me, swinging in a boatswains chair, attached to a Live Oak tree outside my back patio, acting like Lieutenant Dan (Actor Gary Sinise) in the movie Forrest Gump.
Here's a map of where I am:

Most specifically, I'm trying to re-create the hurricane scene in the movie “Forrest Gump” where Forrest and Lt. Dan are caught off of the Louisiana coast on their shrimp boat.
Much to the Global Warming Theorist's and the media's chagrin, I'm not feeling that my efforts are making me look very Studly right now--because virtually NOTHING is happening except I'm getting wet in the rain.
I don't care...
Just to rub things into the hysterical naysayers wounds a little more, in the tradition of Lieutenant Dan, I’m now heading out to the pool, in the rain, to further taunt the infinite wrath of newly re-formed Tropical Storm Ernesto, which is currently lying off of northeast Florida’s Atlantic coast…heading this way as we speak.
I’ll do my normal evening swim, and then I'll consider taking my camera out to East Beach to take some photo’s of the surf at sunrise this morning.
All I ask is that you stay tuned to this channel for breaking developments....
(Someone please call the Coast Guard if you don't hear from me again by 8 AM?)
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