Sunday, August 27, 2006

Another Internet Victory

Get A Hit And Then Run Away...

I installed my second ever wireless WEP encrypted network this morning.

Because it appeared to be a no-brainer and everything worked immediately, I fear that I have the false idea that I now actually KNOW what I'm doing when it comes to home network administration.

I'm pretty sure that I'm mistaken, but I'm sitting here blogging on the sofa with only a power wire connected to Pat's niece's laptop computer and can see some of the results of my efforts.

We're on the road again tomorrow afternoon heading back to our little island, with a possible delay and detour toward the Kennedy Space Center to watch the Space Shuttle launch. In the past I've seen several from a great distance, but I've never been right there adjacent to the fireworks.

I hope the weather holds out--It's quite questionable.

Wish us luck...

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