Saturday, June 02, 2007

Opening Night In The "Cone Of Death"

It's June 2nd--Would Somebody Please Call FEMA for us???

OK everyone, take a look at the 2 AM storm track forecast that I just pulled off of the NOAA web site:

( I would be the guy sitting there yawning somewhere in between the third and fourth "black dots" with the "S" in the middle)

I guess that we can forget using our pool this weekend, but on the other hand everyone can also celebrate the resulting tropical rain filling up their rain gauges and the media can possibly shut up talking about the so called "wild fires" that have been burning over the past few months burning the past million years on a seasonal basis based on lightning strikes and cyclic rain patterns.

We only had a little over 6 inches of rain in the Month of May here in South Georgia, so it was inevitable that a few tropical systems filled in the gaps in order for us to all enjoy something know as rainfall on an...


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